We provide advice and support in the field of toxicology and health, we aim to communicate in a clear way and help find creative solutions.

Lumnos was founded 1 October 2001

What we do

We advise in the field of toxicology and health and we specialize in science communication. Our field of expertise stretches from health at the workplace to safety of consumer products and new foods.

How we work

We do research in the medical and toxicological scientific literature and we interview experts. We provide support in discussions, trainings and lectures on health and exposure to chemicals. We specialize in writing clear texts on complex subjects. We write reports and scientific articles for experts, as well as texts for brochures, booklets, documentaries and websites for a broader audience.

Our inspiration

Our name, Lumnos, comes from the Latin word lumen, which means both light and eye. We aim to shed light on ‘complex subjects’. The seahorse in our logo depicts the unexpected; the male seahorse is the one that gets pregnant. In our projects we invite to keep an open eye for the improbable and the surprising, and for the things that lie below the surface.


Often the best discoveries are the ones that were made by coincidence. But what is coincidence? One can gain in-depth knowledge on a subject and still not find solutions. Usually it helps to distance oneself from the standard thinking patterns. Trusting the side-paths of your mind leads to new ideas and insights. We find inspiration in sharing and exchanging thoughts about creativity, and about ways to use it. That is why we provide our Workshop Creativity on an irregular basis, at unexpected moments and on request.